Posts Tagged ‘SnapRetail’

1 Like = $1 for the Red Cross

July 6, 2011

In light of the storms and flooding across the country this spring and summer, SnapRetail has committed to donating $1 to the American Red Cross for every new Like they get on their Facebook Page. They have set no fundraising limit, so the more Likes they get the more they will donate to the Red Cross!

SnapRetail’s Facebook Page is a great resource for independent retailers who want to improve their store’s online marketing and stay up to speed on the gift industry, so why not learn some valuable marketing lessons and raise money for a great cause by Liking SnapRetail today.

You can find SnapRetail’s Facebook Page at

After clicking Like, help us spread the word about their fundraiser by clicking one of the “Share” links below. Thank you for your generosity!

Were you or was someone you know affected by the storms or the flooding this year? Please share your story in the comments below.