Artist Feature: Stephanie Burgess


Meet Stephanie Burgess, the artist behind our Painted Peace collection! A former nurse, Stephanie embarked on a new career journey as an artist at age 50. She ditched her scrubs, picked up a paint brush, and never looked back. When she learned about Peace Poles for the first time, Stephanie was immediately drawn to their message, “May Peace Prevail on Earth.” The Peace Pole Project inspired her to create her own style of beautifully unique Peace Poles. Since then Stephanie has created a variety of decorative poles with inspirational messaging and bold artwork.

Stephanie Burgess_Photos2

Stephanie Burgess Q&A

Get to know Stephanie and see some of the work she has done with us at Studio M!

Tell us about your family! Any pets?! 

Have an 11-year-old daughter, Izze, who is my Rock Star.  Izze actually helps me quite a bit with my art.  She is a talented, budding artist (of course I am biased, but…) She draws images that I might be having a tough time with, especially animals!  She does a bang-up job at drawing a great dog with floppy ears.  She is also much better at color than me, and I follow her lead 100% of the time when I am stumped.  And it always works. I have 2 Boston Terriers.  Stella, who is my angel – I got her when I was finishing up chemo for Breast Cancer in 2012.  Yup, she was – and is – my angel dog. She was a vital force for me and Izze at a time when we needed one. Stella never does anything wrong.  And then there is Gidget, my 6-month-old Boston who is the EXTREME opposite. She just finished eating my couch! Yup….my couch. Her nickname is “Gidget Piper” because she likes to chew on pillows, expose the piping and then pull it out like a big spaghetti noodle. Love puppies!!!!  But actually, my kid and my dogs are my life, except art of course.  BTW….I’m healthy and cancer free.  And that’s good because my color is so much better off of chemo.


Peace Poles

6′ and 4′ Peace Poles


How do you spend your Sundays?

I spend Sundays doing or thinking about ART.


What are your three favorite foods?

Hamburgers, pizza and pasta.  Good for my figure.


Are you obsessed with any one fashion item? (shoes, purses…)

I am absolutely obsessed with boots.  Big, tall, leather, EXPENSIVE boots.  I have 7 pair.  One for each day of the week.


20" Art Poles

20″ Art Poles


What are three words that best describe your Painted Peace products?

My art is colorful, unique and creative.


What are three words that best describe you?

I am colorful, unique and creative.  My art and I have a lot in common.  I think that’s why it works.


Is there a creative mind that inspires you? (artist, writer, poet…)

I’m inspired by John Lennon… used to do Peace Art way before “peace” was in and hip. I’m kinda an old ex-hippie. Much of my art is images with lyrics of his songs.”Imagine all the people, living life in peace….” was a BIG INSPIRATION for my initial efforts doing art. I started this art gig at 50 – I used to be a midwife and Labor and Delivery Nurse. Threw away my scrubs and pager, and picked up a painting brush. It was kind of a mid life transition. It’s working for me!!!!!



6′ Birdhouse Poles


Do you work from life, photographs, or your imagination?

I work from my imagination!


Do you listen to music when you create? If so, what?

I listen to all kinds of music – from opera to rap, from indie to blues….sky’s the limit. I listen carefully to what these artists have to say because many of them help me say what I want to say.  They’re the poets.


What’s your favorite thing about your studio?

My favorite thing about my studio is that it is right in my home. I’m home with my kid and my Boston’s.  Then I can make sure Gidget Piper is not eating my couch!


Thanks for reading :) I hope you enjoyed getting to know a little more about the artist behind our Painted Peace collection! If you’re a retailer and would like to see more of Stephanie’s work, click here to shop!

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3 Responses to “Artist Feature: Stephanie Burgess”

  1. Trish Says:

    Is Stephanie still selling her works of art ?

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